piątek, 16 listopada 2012

Upominki dla naszych przyjaciół w Turcji

Najstarsze dzieci z grupy III, IV  i V wraz z nauczycielkami przygotowały  kartki z koziołkami, logo przedszkola i godłem naszego kraju dla dzieci w Turcji. Prace dzieci wykonały z różnych materiałów plastycznych, wykorzystując różnorodne techniki. Dzieci wykonywały prace bardzo starannie, ciesząc się, że będą one upominkami dla dzieci
w Turcji.
Rodzice przygotowali też drewniane koziołki dla przyjaciół w Turcji. Biuro Kształtowania Relacji Społecznych Miasta Poznania przekazało nam materiały promujące Miasto Poznań. 

Wita się z nami Finlandia!

kuutamopolku daycare center

Kuutamopolku is one of 27 daycare centers run by the city and council of Porvoo. Porvoo is a small town located 50 kilometers east of Helsinki. Kuutamopolku means “moon path”.

We have 66 children and 10 staff members in three different groups. Two of these groups are only for the preschool aged children (they are 5 to 6 years old) and one is for siblings and they are between 1 and 5 years old.

Our two pre-school groups have 20 and 24 children in their classes and the third group has 21 children at the present. There are three staff members working in two of the groups and four in one of them. Most of the time we have a student or other trainee working with us.
The working methods of our pre-school are based on certain rights that every child should have:

Right to play - play is a very important part of the activities of the day and there should be enough time and space for that.
Right to have safe limits to try new things and skills.
Right to be in a daycare centre where the co-operation between all partners (parents, teachers and children) works well.
Right to have fun!
Right to think!

Normal weekly activities include forest trips (exploring nature), gym, art & crafts and music.We encourage the children to look after the environment by recycling, taking care of their toys and not wasting.

Our daycare center is in the same building as Huhtinen primary school (classes 1- 6).
Here are photos of our playground.

Here is our Comenius wall and what we have done so far (in November) with the children.
The children themselves have asked for the information about the three countries that we have on the wall
at the moment.

Here are photos of the hallway of our daycare center.

General photos of the ”class rooms”.

Pre- school children hard at work learning flags.

Our boss teaching belly dancing to the pre- school kids.